Blessed Is… (Psalm 1 & 2)
I forgot to follow the plan yesterday and read Mark 3 instead of Psalm 1 and 2. Crap, I am in trouble! Well, today will be Psalm 1 and 2.
Psalm 1: It’s funny, if I asked you to finish this sentence, “Blessed is the man who…” I bet you wouldn’t say, “delights in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.” It sounds good now, but you wouldn’t have said it, right?
It seems like even a lot of pastors only read the Bible to prepare for a sermon, but if we want to experience God’s blessing, it comes through delighting and meditating on the Word of God. Imagine that.
So, if you’re not feeling very blessed by God, if you’re a little disappointed in your life … is it possible it’s because you’re not passionate enough about your Bible?