Vegas Contact?

Do you know someone in Vegas? We’re moving out there in five days to start a new church on the Strip … and if you know someone I’d like to meet them, if they are one of two types of people:

(1) The person is NOT a Christian. We want to start a church for people who don’t like church. For people who are far from God, but have a glimmer of interest in Him, who have this sense that something is missing. So if you know someone in Vegas who isn’t a Christian, and they’d be interested in hearing about what we’re doing, I’d love to meet them.

(2) The person is a Christian AND works on the Strip. We aren’t looking to take people away from other churches to join ours’. However, I do want to sit down and talk to people who work on the Strip, to start understanding what the needs are there, what people’s schedules are like, etc., etc. So if you know a Christian who works on the Strip, I’d love to meet them.

If a person has come to mind, could you e-mail me at Thanks!