You Say That Now… (Mark 11)
People ask, “So how does it feel starting a new church for the second time?!” Well, there are some things you know the second time around and think, “Man, I’m glad I know that’s gonna happen.” But there are other things you know are coming and think, “Seriously, I have to deal with that again?!”
When Jesus enters into Jerusalem people lined the streets, threw palm branches into the air and shouted, “Hosana!” And these were the same people who, just a few days later, would line the streets, throwing their fists into the air and shouting, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”
Mark 11:1-11; and see Mark 15:6-15)
When you start a church, some of the people who are initially the most committed, your best friends, your future leaders … will be the people who end up betraying, leaving, hurting you the most. And I am not looking forward to that. In fact, I’m even worried about being cynical in the beginning because I know of that. But it is comforting to know that Jesus went through it…