Not All Good 3: 1, 2, 3, 4, Pressure!
When I decided to move to Vegas to start a new church I had several people encourage me to ask people to move with us. I didn’t. I’m not sure if I can explain why. Mostly I think it was because if people did come I wanted them to feel called by God, not Vince. Also, I’m a born salesman and I’m not too good at just asking people to do something…
So I didn’t ask people to come, but they’re coming anyway. Right now we’re at 15 adults (and their 9 kids) who are selling homes, quitting jobs, moving to Vegas, finding jobs, buying homes, all to start a new church on the Strip. There are another 9 adults (and their 4 kids) who are just about sure they’re coming. Then there’s another group of about the same size who are praying about it.
That is absolutely awesome. To be able to start this church with a committed core group of people instead of by ourselves, wow. And, to me, those people are the real heroes of this story. I’ve gotten lots of compliments on my faith for coming out here, but their faith is greater than mine.
But … and here’s the part that’s not all good: It’s a lot of pressure. God’s given me the kind of personality, or faith, that I really don’t have a lot of fear, and I am definitely not afraid of failing. If this church plant crashes and burns, I’d be okay with that for me. But not for them. I know they’re following God, not me, and that the results are up to God, not me. But, even still, with every person who decides to move out here I feel more pressure for this to be a church worth having moved out here to start. And … me no likey.