The Week In Brief(s) (2/15/09)

Every Sunday I’m sharing a recap on some of what happened that week. It will be quick (in brief) and I’ll write in my underwear (in briefs). Here ya go:

Future Verve launch team members Tommy and Krystal Altman were in town.
2. Got to connect with Will Mancini, author of Church Unique (trust me, read it) which is AWESOME, and I’m praying that Will can help us make sure our vision for Verve permeates everything we do as a church.
3. Matt Caron moved to Vegas, and in with my family. Matt came from Virginia Beach to help start Verve and attend UNLV.
4. Spent the weekend in Salt Lake City, hanging out with my coach Dave Nelson and speaking at K2 – The Church. Very excited about learning from Dave!
5. Several people at K2 are now praying about moving to Vegas to join our launch team. Crazy!
6. Made a connection with a Christian guy who works for a company that will be hiring 12,000 new employees between now and December. He’s going to help people moving to Vegas for us get jobs there, if possible. Wow.
7. Found out I’m going to be speaking at Canyon Ridge Christian Church here in Vegas on March 22. They’re a church I’ve been following since they started, I used to get their sermon cassette tapes mailed to me! And now they’re supporting us and asked me to speak. What an honor!
8. Had a couple of new financial commitments from individuals. That is awesome because we really need them!
9. Had several supporting churches schedule mission teams to come out to Vegas in the summer and Fall. What about your church – want to come to Vegas?
10. Ordered a bunch of new Verve shirts. We’ll be using these for mission teams, but also for fundraising. Want one? For a minimum donation of $20 to Verve I’ll send you one, but feel free to donate as much as you want. (It is a really cool shirt.) (And we really need the money.) (Wow, all of that makes me feel just a bit like a televangelist. Awkward!)
11. Spent most of the week in Kentucky teaching seven times at Kentucky Christian University.
12. Wrote three sermons in my free time between classes.
13. Had dinner with Trent Carpenter and two leaders from his church plant in southern Ohio. Awesome guys. I instantly became a big fan of what they’re doing.
14. We’ve now got Shaun King teaching us how he used Facebook as an outreach tool. He is great to help us.
15. And … drum roll please … heard back from The Rave movie theater and they said … yes, we can have the theater!! The only big IF is if another church asked for that theater and wanted to start renting it before we do. But they said that no one has ever inquired about that theater until us.

I’ve got my first coaching call this week, and my first official call with my guy at Passion For Planting, who will be helping us with the logistics and administrative aspects of starting the church.
I’ve got several meetings set up with people throughout the week.
3. This upcoming weekend I’ll be going to L.A. where I’ll be preaching at Discovery Church, who are supporting us.

Okay people, you’ve been briefed.