Two Things We Need (Luke 3)
A lot of our core group for Vegas are reading the same chapters each day in the Bible. Plus a lot of church planters read this blog. So I’m sharing a thought or two from each day’s chapter as it hits me and applies to my life right now. Not trying to do anything scholarly, just personal…
So in today’s reading (Luke 3) Jesus gets two things every church planter needs. One is someone to prepare the way. I find the presence of John the Baptist kind of surprising. If I was making up a story about God’s Son coming to earth, I would not say he needs someone to prepare the way for Him, but apparently Jesus did. And if Jesus needed that, then I do. So one thing I’ve been praying for in Vegas are some locals who will prepare the way for us. It might be someone who gives me a great connection with a casino where I can become a chaplain. It might be a movie theater manager who treats us great. It might be someone in our neighborhood who introduces us to everyone.
The other is encouragement. Again, I wouldn’t assume the Messiah would need encouragement, but then we have God saying, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” And isn’t it interesting that this encouragement comes immediately before Jesus goes out to be tempted in the desert. A lot of the church planting journey happens in the desert, and so church planters need someone telling them they love them and are pleased with them. One of the most encouraging people in my life is a guy named George, who I had lunch with every other week back in Virginia Beach. Before I left for Vegas I asked George to be praying for one specific thing for me: A new George in Vegas.
Hey church planters, do you have these two things? And, if not, are you praying for them?