Gratitude (Psalm 30 & 31)
Someone has said that gratitude may be the pinnacle virtue. The first time I heard that it seemed kind of dumb – what about love, or hope, or holiness. But, actually, they may be onto something.
Last summer, when I announced to my church that I was leaving to go to Vegas and start a new church, there were screams of joy and a standing ovation. The video of that became a small internet sensation. I think thousands of people watched it. And many have asked me about it. “Why were they so happy? Are you that horrible of a pastor?”
The only reason I can say is … gratitude. Forefront is a church of people who feel grateful for grace, and that someone started a church that someone like me can attend and meet Jesus in. And so if that someone is gonna start another church that can reach more people like me, awesome. I pray that Verve is like that.
And I love today’s reading (Psalm 30 and 31) because David just gushes gratitude. He gives God the credit for the good things he’s experienced, and he doesn’t forget them, and he thanks God for them: “you lifted me out of the depths” – “you healed me” – “you spared me” – “praise His holy name” – “you turned my wailing into dancing” – “I will give you thanks forever.”
Johannes Gaertner wrote, “To live gratitude is to touch Heaven.” Think about your own life, are you living gratitude?