Another thing I’ve learned about Vegas is that people here tend to be very impulsive. Perhaps it’s just the kind of person who moves to Vegas. Or maybe it’s something contagious about the culture here. Don’t know, but supposedly people are very impulsive.
A pastor I met with last week said that really plays into ministry here. For instance, he said that people here will quickly respond to an invitation. Research shows that it takes the average adult non-Christian three years to come to faith. But, apparently, people here would be willing to cross the line of faith much quicker. That sounds good, and worrisome. Are they also much quicker to walk away from God? To leave their church? To give up on their spiritual commitment?
I need more time to process all this, but generally I try to avoid leading people to make uninformed emotion driven decisions. My philosophy has usually been to see if I can talk people out of following Jesus. If I can, then someone or something else will stop them from following after they make their decision anyway. If I can’t, well then, giddyup.