Join What’s Going On
So we’re taking part in this big monthly art festival (paintings, bands, break dancing, poets, etc.) and I’ll tell you a little more about it this week, and then after it happens on Friday.
But one point I think is worth sharing now: Church planters often come into town planning on starting stuff. “We’ll do an art festival.” “We’ll start a homeless ministry.” “We’ll show family movies in the park.” And there’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes it’s the best thing to do.
But sometimes you get to town and find that something is already going on. There’s already an arts festival, a homeless ministry, movies in the park. So what do you do? Join what’s going on. See how you can become a part of what’s already happening in your community. It may be a lot less work for you. And … you don’t have to advertise it. And … there will probably be a lot more people at it than you would have had it you did something similar.
So figure out how to join, how to serve and show people Jesus, and how to get your name out there so people begin to know who you are.