Questions (Luke 20)

Today’s reading (Luke 20) focuses on questions. Jesus asks some amazing questions, and He gives the perfect answers to the questions of others. Got me thinking that you can probably boil life down to questions. Do we ask the right questions, and do we give the right answers when asked. Right? Like:

  • Is Jesus the Christ, the son of the living God, my Lord and Savior?
  • If I say yes to that, how should I live? What do I do with Jesus?
  • Will you marry me?
  • Is God really calling me to start a church?
  • If we start a church, are we really going to live out the mission Jesus has for us? What will that look like?
  • Why do I make other things a priority over my relationship with God?
  • How come I have no non-Christian friends?
  • Am I really producing the most fruit I can for God? If not, what does that say about my connectedness with Jesus?