Vegas Weirdness

So I’m still getting used to living in Vegas. Here are a few things that felt odd to me in the last week:

  • My son has his first Little League game. Nothing strange about that. But the fact that the field is almost literally in the shadow of a casino, kinda odd.
  • My wife got her haircut. Nothing strange about that. But the fact that the lady who cut her hair is the hair and makeup girl for the centerfold in April’s Playboy magazine. She had just gotten back from N.Y.C. where she had to fly with Miss April to make sure she looked good while she was there. Kinda odd.
  • My daughter had another dance class. (She is seven and is in a class for eight to fourteen year olds.) This week she had a substitute teacher. Nothing strange about any of that. But the teacher told her (and my wife) that she’s the best dancer in the class and, he said, “You’re going to be a star. I’ll be watching for you on Reality TV.” Kinda scary!