Now That’s Mancini
We got to spend Monday with Will Mancini (author of Church Unique) and it was great. I realize that most people won’t get to spend the day with him, but you owe it to yourself to read his book. I’d especially encourage church planters to do this.
Mancini’s message is uniqueness and clarity.
Uniqueness: That God is not calling you and your church to be a carbon copy. Unfortunately, we live in an age of xeroxed churches. We borrow the vision God gave to someone else, which would be fine IF God were incapable of speaking to each of us. And if we all lived in identical communities. And if we all had the same gifts and passions. But since God made you unique, and put you in a unique community, He probably wants to speak uniquely to you and give you a unique vision.
Clarity: If God is calling our churches to something unique, we need to have clarity about what that vision is. Not only so we know, but so we can communicate it to others. The reality is that most of us probably are not nearly as clear on our vision as we think we are.
Seriously, read Church Unique – or spend a day with Mancini.