R U Committed to Excellence, Or To Ur Way?
I am a big Raiders fan. On Saturday the Raiders had the 7th pick in the NFL draft and needed a Wide Receiver. No one before them took a Wide Receiver, which meant they could draft the top rated Wide Receiver. They actually picked the Wide Receiver most everyone had rated about fifth.
Why? Because the Raiders have their own way of doing things. Their way includes having very fast Wide Receivers, and the guy they took was the fastest. So it’s kind of cool that the Raiders have their own way, right? Well, maybe not, since their record over the last six years is 24 – 72! You’d think they’d wake up, realize that their way is not working, and take the best Wide Receiver, but no. The Raiders motto is “Commitment to Excellence” but the truth is, their committed to doing things their way. Commitment to excellence, my butt.
And that made me think: Is there anything in my life where I have my own way of doing things, and the only problem is that my way doesn’t actually work? Something where I’d be wise to realize it’s not working, and maybe accept the wisdom of the masses… What about you?
- Maybe you don’t do a “quiet time” everyday, other people say it’s important, but it’s just not your thing. But the truth is, you’re lacking intimacy with God.
- Or maybe you don’t do a date night with your spouse. You’ve heard lots of people advise it, but you kind of scoff at that. The only problem is, your marriage is running on fumes.
- Maybe your church doesn’t pass offering plates, or doesn’t have greeters, or doesn’t do an invitation, or doesn’t do expository preaching, or whatever. And you’re kind of proud of that, you do it your way, not their way. But if you’re honest, you’d admit that your record the last six years is 24 – 72.
Maybe … it’s time to be committed to excellence, rather than to doing things your way.