The Week In Brief(s) (4/12/09)

Every Sunday I’m sharing a recap on some of what happened that week. It will be quick (in brief) and I’ll write in my underwear (in briefs). Here ya go:

1. Sunday morning we went to Grace Point in North Vegas. Their pastor, Devin Hudson, has become a good friend.

2. Sunday night we had our fourth Launch Team Meeting. I think we had 21 adults. I thought it was one of the best ones yet, and it’s obvious that God is putting together a great team.

3. We had two families in town, both of whom are praying about moving here.

4. Monday morning Robb and I met with a lady who’s been working in casinos for 14 years, mostly as a dealer. It was fascinating. Here’s just a few things she shared:

  • A huge percentage of people who work in the casinos are single parents.
  • Almost all of them are asking, “What do I do with my kids?”
  • That’s especially the case because 7 pm to 3 am and 8 pm to 4 am are common shifts.
  • Dealers get like six 8 minute breaks. There’s a dealer lounge they go to for their breaks, which will often have 20 or 30 dealers at a time hanging out in. I asked, “If we got permission and brought like bagels for people, would they appreciate that?” She said, “If you brought in a box of cracker jacks, they would LOVE it.”
  • Most people who work in casinos are messed up (many are addicted to alcohol or gambling) and feeling depressed and hopeless.

5. Had my coaching call with Dave Nelson. I’m facing a couple of big decisions, and Dave really challenged my thinking on one of them.

6. Carol was in town from California. She’s moving here in a month or two, and will be (and already is) helping me with all kinds of administrative stuff. Thank you God for Carol!

7. I worked hard on an information sheet for churches wanting to do mission trips to help us out. It’s got all kinds of info. If you or your church is interested in sending a team here for a mission trip, e-mail me and I’ll send it to you.

8. Worked on a couple messages for churches I’m speaking at in the next month. It’s weird not preaching every Sunday (!!) so I think it’s good I’m doing this to keep me sharp.

9. Two families from out of town officially decided to move to Vegas and help us start Verve!! Wow!!! One is from Utah, the other from Kansas.

10. I’ll stop there but God is doing lots more!

To Pray About This Week:

1. We have Will Mancini spending the day with us tomorrow. I am so excited about that! Mancini is a brilliant church consultant and strategist and author of the excellent book Church Unique. Please pray that he really helps us to prepare for the future God has for us.

2. I’m being interviewed for a local Christian T.V. show on Tuesday. Not sure what to pray about that. I guess that I don’t make a fool out of myself, and that it leads a ton of Vegas Christians to pray for us, but not to join us.

3. I have several meetings this week – with a Christian or two who are thinking about joining our Launch Team, with two non-Christians who are thinking about becoming Christians, with a couple who has decided to move here and be on our Launch Team. Please pray God gives me wisdom!

4. My wife is looking for a part-time job. Partly so we’ll have a little extra money, and partly so she can develop some relationships.