The Week In Brief(s) (4/5/09)

Every Sunday I’m sharing a recap on some of what happened that week. It will be quick (in brief) and I’ll write in my underwear (in briefs). Here ya go:

1. I flew to Kansas City last Saturday night. It was 77 degrees when I left Vegas and when I landed in KC it was 27. Nice!

  • Spoke about being a crazy, fool for Christ at Cedar Ridge Christian Church on Sunday morning.
  • On Sunday night, one of my favorite people, Justin Moxley, put together a seminar for me to teach people how to build relationships with people who are far from God and share Jesus with them. A couple hundred people from over 20 churches showed up.
  • On Monday morning I spoke to about 12 pastors (I think 8 were church planters) about lessons I’ve learned in church planting, and then about the dangers of making your church an idol.
  • On Monday night Justin had put together a seminar for me to teach pastors about how to have a church with evangelistic dna.

2. On the plane I read Sticky Church by Larry Osborne. Hey pastors, if you want a laugh, read that book and Activate by Nelson Searcy in the same day. They are both guys I totally respect and listen to, but man, it would be tough to find two books that contradict each other more consistently!

3. Had our third Launch Team Meeting, but I couldn’t be there… Robb led everyone, getting them up to speed on in’s and out’s of starting a CBO (Community Based Organization). I heard it went awesome.

4. Bought a Moon Bounce. A big, nice, used (so cheap) Moon Bounce. Not the most spiritual item, but we will use it for spiritual purposes…

5. Met with one of the Shift Managers at the Hard Rock casino. Great guy who has worked his way up over ten years there. He was willing to share his insights on how to serve and reach the people he works with.

6. Met with a guy who is close to making a decision to follow Jesus. It was great to hear how God’s been pursuing this guy in all kinds of ways.

7. Worked on Missions Team stuff. We’re hoping to have a BUNCH of mission teams come from churches all over the country to spend three or four days here helping us to serve the community and get the word out about our church. I’m working on making the process really easy for churches who want to come. Maybe YOUR church should come?

8. Met with a guy who has lived here for about six years, working in the marketing industry. Really good guy. I’m so grateful for people here who want to help us.

9. Found out my spiritual mentor guy, Dean Trune, is gonna come to Vegas for a few days in May and is willing to lead one of our Launch Team Meetings. Super fantastic!! Bringing Dean in to lead a staff retreat at Forefront (on spiritual disciplines and intimacy with God) was one of the best decisions I ever made.

To Pray About This Week:

1. I’ve got a couple decisions to make in the next few weeks/months that I just don’t feel like I have enough wisdom for. I’m glad I have some wise people (my Coach, Management Team) to turn to, but I really want God’s wisdom. Please pray I get it.

2. We have two families in town this week who are praying about maybe moving to Vegas to help start Verve. Please pray for them and the many others who are considering the same thing.

3. There are so many tasks in starting a church, pray that I make God my first priority and involve Him in everything I do. Thanks.