Crazy Commitments
It’s too long a story to tell right now (though it is probably my favorite story to tell) but in 2001 our church in Virginia Beach, Forefront, made a commitment to serve and love and reach out to this tribe who live in the mountains of several communist countries in Southeast Asia. We had absolutely no idea how it could happen…
Well, eight years later it’s happened in all kinds of ways. And right now we have a team from Forefront in Vietnam who are doing teacher training for about 50 Vietnamese teachers, and installing a fence around a school in the village to keep water buffalo out, and more. I wish you could see it all. It’s amazing.
Bob Robert’s church, Northwood, in Texas – who have really led the way with all this kind of stuff, had a pastor who asked if he could go with a team to learn how this new way of doing missions is done. They told him he should go with Forefront. And what’s crazy about that is we had no idea how we would do this when we first made the commitment in 2001.
Maybe there’s some crazy commitment you or your church should make, even if you have absolutely no idea how you could do it…