First Priority

Over the years I’ve attended or spoken at quite a few conferences, and at a bunch of them a guy named Dean Trune was doing workshops on intimacy with God and spiritual disciplines. Two years ago I had Dean come and lead our staff retreat at Forefront. It was awesome and life changing for a lot of our staff.

Since that time Dean has been mentoring me spiritually. Some accountability, some counseling, some wisdom. I totally thank God for putting him in my life.

This weekend Dean flew to Vegas to spend time with and encourage me, and do some teaching on pursuing God with our Launch Team. At Verve we talk about it in a couple of different ways, but our priorities are (1) to Love God, (2) to Love People, (3) to Turn the World Upside Down. Or (1) to be God Stalkers, (2) to be Grace Wholesalers, (3) to be Guerrilla Lovers.

First comes intimacy with and obedience to God. If not, our church should not start, and if it does, should be put to death. Thanks Dean, for the great reminder on what’s most important.