The Week In Brief(s) (5/10/09)

Every Sunday I’m sharing a recap on some of what happened that week. It will be quick (in brief) and I’ll write in my underwear (in briefs). Here ya go:

1. On Sunday I spoke at The Journey in Muskegon, Michigan. The night before spoke to their volunteer leaders, then preached twice Sunday morning, then met with their staff afterwards.

2. While I was gone our Launch Team watched Mystery Men, and talked about how that movie kind of reflects our situation – as God has put together our team of bumbling idiots who are want-to-be superheroes, and who have the mission of saving the world.

3. What I spent most of my time on this week (by far) is something I’ll tell you about in a week or so. I’m hoping to wait till some more details get worked out before I spill the beans.

4. Met with a guy who’s been helping me to think through some of the decisions I have to make. He’s a great strategic thinker and has been a huge help.

5. Hung out with a guy who I’ve been meeting and e-mailing with. He’s been deciding if he wants to give his life to Jesus. He’s had lots of questions, and realizes what it means to follow Jesus, so it’s been quite a journey. But … yesterday he told me he’s ready, and wants to get baptized! That’s right – Verve’s first baptism is coming up!

6. Robb and I attended a meeting of a new coalition. Obama has made new grant money available to coalitions – which are like 12 different non-profits all working together towards some common goal. The Verve Foundation was invited to be a part of this coalition. Not only could it be a potential source for grant money, but it’s also a great opportunity to network with other people.

Met with a future church planter who is trying to figure out the path God has for him to get there.

8. Another church or two committed to doing mission trips to Vegas to help us start Verve. Sweet!

We had six non-Christians ask if they can be on our Launch Team, and two Christians tell me that they’ve decided to no longer be on our Launch Team. Honestly, that’s exactly what I’ve expected.

10. My second book, Guerrilla Lovers: Changing the World with Revolutionary Compassion came back to me from the editor. Now I have to do some re-writing and it will be good to go. Release date is set for February.


1. Dean Trune, who has been a spiritual mentor to me the last couple years, is coming into Vegas at the end of the week to spend some time with me, and to do a little training with our Launch Team. Dean is amazing when it comes to intimacy with God and spiritual disciplines. Please pray that he’s a great help to our team.

2. Please pray that God continues to work, moving Verve into His future for us. I’ve got a meeting that could be big this week, I’m working on something that could be huge, etc., etc.

3. We have another person (Samantha Alexson) moving to Vegas this week (Tuesday) to help launch Verve. She’s got a place to live but needs a job. Plus the transition out here isn’t typically easy, so please pray for her.