The Week In Brief(s) (5/24/09)
Every Sunday I’m sharing a recap on some of what happened that week. It will be quick (in brief) and I’ll write in my underwear (in briefs). Here ya go:
1. Dean Trune, who leads a campus ministry called “Impact” and who has become a spiritual mentor to me, was in town for the weekend. He leads workshops on spiritual disciplines all over the country, and did one for our Launch Team on Sunday night.
2. We had two new people at our Launch Team meeting – one from Virginia Beach who just moved to town, and one local Vegas person!
3. Met Monday with the two directors of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
4. Part of the reason we met with them was because we’re praying about how we can have a presence and make an impact on the campus of U.N.L.V.
5. Worked on a report for one of our financial supporters, the Acts 2 Network.
6. Wrote and re-wrote my message for preaching at Kensington Community Church, another one of our supporters and one of my favorite churches.
7. Met with Robb to talk all things Verve, and also to do some planning for a “Comedy Hour” we’re going to do at a C.I.Y. Conference here in Vegas.
6. Robb and I met with a guy who basically killed his church and then re-launched it. Very sharp guy, was cool meeting him.
7. Looked at a few more properties as we continue to consider the possibility of leasing a 24/7 spot. By the way: This week someone said, “So you’re gonna be further away from the Strip than you thought.” Well, we’ll see, but the last property I looked at is actually closer…
8. Finished putting our system for hospitality/assimilation on paper. I do NOT enjoy working on that crap.
9. Had dinner at the home of a family who is praying about maybe joining Verve, and they had a bunch of their friends over. Fun night!
10. Flew to Michigan on Friday. Kensington had me bring my family with me.Awesome!
9. Did some job hunting for 6 of the people who are going to be moving here in the next couple months. The job market here is NOT good…
1. This Memorial Day weekend we’re having a Launch Team party, and one of the families in our Launch Team is having a party at their house for all the friends they’ve made since moving here. Please pray they go great.
2. Plan on working on our stewardship system this week. Please pray that God gives me wisdom to do it right, and that I don’t lose my will to live through working on it.
3. We still need to raise more money…