Just A Dream and a Prayer Request
In January of 2000 I went to a church planter’s retreat and was put in a hotel room with a guy I didn’t know named Kyle Idleman. We were two years into our church plant in Va Beach, and I found out that Kyle would be starting a church in L.A. pretty soon. We stayed up late each night imagining what his church would be like, and talking through what might be the most effective way to reach and grow people in L.A.
A little later we went to a church planter’s conference (in Vegas, ironically) and intentionally roomed together, again spending hours strategizing what his church should look like.
Well, Kyle ended up starting Real Life Church in Valencia, later left for another church, and they brought in a great guy named Rusty George, who this year asked me to come speak for him. So yesterday I got to speak at Real Life. I was impressed with the church, and had a great time, but the coolest part for me was thinking back to years ago when the church was just a dream and a prayer request and now seeing it in reality.
Real Life now has about 1,300 people and have had almost 100 baptisms in the last couple months. So if right now you have a church that is only a dream and a prayer request, keep dreaming and praying because God has a way of using that…