Ready to Memorize?

There are two verses in today’s reading (1 Corinthians 16) that we should all just agree to memorize right now. Especially the guys, but I’d say everyone. They are that good. Verses 13-14:

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.

Seriously, are you ready to memorize two verses. Let’s do it! Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Read those verses a couple of times, then pray and ask God: What do you have for me in those verses? What do you want to tell me through them? How do they apply to my life?
  2. Write those verses down on a piece of paper about twenty times.
  3. Write those verses down on a 3 x 5 card or a half sheet of paper and bring it with you everywhere for the next day or two. At every free moment, take it out and read it.
  4. Tonight read those verses again, and ask God to speak to you through them again.
  5. Pick a few times in the next couple weeks to review.

Let’s all do it. Right? You’re in? Great! Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.