Signed, Confused
One thing that’s weird about starting a church is the feeling that you’re not sure what you should be doing. After doing ministry the last eleven years after I planted the church, I can’t remember ever feeling that way.
But even though I’ve done this before, and even coached church planters in what they need to do, and have a church planter to-do list with hundreds of items, there’s still a weird sense of, “What should I be doing?”
Right now my family is out for a few hours and so I’m working, but I’m like, “Is this really what I should be working on? Wait, what should I be working on? Oh crap, I think I should be doing something else!“
If you think to pray for me today, the prayer I’ve been praying for me lately is, “God, give me the wisdom to know what to do and the passion to do it.”