Family Update

So my wife has finally gotten a job here in Vegas. She started applying all over the flippin place right after we moved here, but with no luck. But she’s become great friends with a lady who owns a Fitness 19, and this week she was asked to start doing about 20 hours a week for them, doing administrative type stuff.

The ironic thing is that it had taken so long for her to find a job that she had started doing Pampered Chef. So now she has two jobs.

Obviously the money helps, but the best part about the jobs is that they give her an opportunity to meet lots of people, who will all love her because she’s awesome, and then she can invite them to come check out Verve … when we actually have something to check out.

And … with the kids back in school (as of Monday) we can get back to having Fridays as our date day. Since our youngest started kindergarten we’ve been using Fridays to go out for breakfast or lunch or a movie. Excited that we can start that back up today!