That’s Why

After reading today’s chapters (Psalm 97 & 98), I have to point out – after yesterday’s post – that God is again requesting new songs. (“Please, I’m serious. I’m glad it’s well with your soul, and that you’re lifting my Name on high, but please, please, I can’t take it anymore people! Try a new song already! I’ll do anything…”)

But today’s reading also made me think of the famous John Piper quote, “Missions exist because worship does not.” Throughout these Psalms we’re commanded to worship the God who is fully deserving of our worship. We’re also told that “all the peoples see His glory” and “The LORD has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations.”

But that’s exactly the problem. There are so many who perhaps see His glory, but don’t know it’s His glory, and who know nothing of His salvation. Therefore, they can’t give God the worship He deserves, and that they were made to give. That’s why missions exist. And that’s why, back in January, I moved to Vegas.