500 at 100
So two posts ago I explained the incredible opportunity we have to lease an amazing space that is staring at the Strip AND the major highway of Vegas, and what getting it could mean for our ability to connect with and minister to people who work on and live around the Strip. Then I told you that to make it happen we need to raise $150,000, and shared three ideas I have for how to do that.
Here’s the fourth idea: What if 500 people gave us $100 each? $100 is a sacrifice, but it’s one most people can afford. And if 500 people made that sacrifice, it would equal $50,000, which would be a long way towards the money we need to raise.
The trick, obviously, is that 500 is a lot of people, and so we need a lot of people to say yes. Basically, we need to try and figure out how to ask 500 people, and then we need everyone we ask to say yes. And so … I’m asking you. Would you say yes? Would you be one of the 500? Yes, $100 is a sacrifice, but how cool would it be for you to be a part of starting a church for the Vegas Strip?
Please be a part of helping us get this space, and start this church, and make a dent for God here in Sin City.
To give $100, send a check made out to “Verve” to: Verve, 10620 Southern Highlands Pkwy, Suite 110-433, Las Vegas, NV 89141.
Thank you SO much,