Launch Team Change
So the last few days I’ve been sharing a little of what we’ve been doing in our Launch Team Meetings these last months but a change it is a comin’. We’ve been mostly focusing on what kind of church we’re going to be, and our launch plan strategy to get us from where we are to where we’re going. That’s about to change.
This Fall we are (finally) going to start inviting friends to join our Launch Team. We are also going to do some events that will, hopefully, add people to our Launch Team. And we only want to add people who are not yet Christians. And that’s why the change is coming.
The majority of the people on our Launch Team so far are Christians who have moved to Vegas to start Verve. So I think that what we needed was to get on the same page with the vision for the church and understand what we need to do to launch. BUT I don’t think that’s what non-Christians need. They need Christ. So this Fall we’re going to start looking at the life of Jesus, and how it applies to our lives and our church. Gonna be fun.