A Matter of Perspective
So last night we had our first Tuesday night Launch Team meeting. We’re now offering two identical meetings for people to choose from. On Sunday morning we had 20 adults show up. I was expecting about 11 last night, but several people couldn’t make it, and so we had 7.
And after having several months of 23 or 25 adults on Sunday evenings, it just felt SO small. Like, “Crap. We have all this momentum going, and now we have only 7 people show up for our first Tuesday night meeting.”
But here’s what’s funny. The first couple months we lived here, we were meeting on Tuesday nights, and there were 6 of us. And that was everyone. And it felt like a lot. It was like, “Wow, we already have 6 people showing up!” And now, after already having 20 on Sunday, 7 felt like a little. Kind of funny…