Launch Team Meetings
We had our first Launch Team Meetings at the 305 Theater in the Greek Isles Hotel this week. We’re now meeting on Sunday morning and Monday evening. Definitely a different vibe having everyone sit in rows in a theater, versus in a circle in my living room. Much better for what we’re trying to accomplish at this stage of our launching this church.
From what I heard, we had either 14 or 15 adults on both Sunday morning and Monday evening, kind of interesting that it split pretty even. We had a least 3 new people. We also had at least 5 adults who couldn’t make it. That’s cool, because it means we’re up to the low/mid 30’s, and about a month ago we were meeting only on Sunday mornings and it was usually 23 to 25 adults.
We’ve also got more people moving here soon – this is gonna be fun!