The Grace Explosion
Grace means to get the opposite of what you deserve. Grace is the only way a person can have a relationship with God and experience Heaven. We should get separation from God, but through Jesus He’s chosen to give us the opposite of what we deserve. And that’s why, in today’s reading (Titus 2) it says that grace “brings salvation.”
Grace means we don’t get punished for sinning, which leads some to say, “Sweet! Give me grace and I’m gonna go sin, then ask for forgiveness.” But what’s fascinating is that we’re told that grace “teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives.”
Grace should actually lead us not to sin. Why? I think gratitude. I think when we really get grace, what God has done for us so that we don’t have to experience separation and punishment from Him, we have this grace explosion in our hearts, and we’re overwhelmed with the desire to make the rest of our lives a long, big thank you to Him.