The Week In Brief(s) (10/18/09)

Every Sunday I’m sharing a recap on some of what happened that week. It will be quick (in brief) and I’ll write in my underwear (in briefs). Here ya go:

1. Working on filing for our 501(c)3 Tax Exempt status from the IRS. Fun!

2. Working on filing for our Bulk Mail permit from the Post Office. More fun!!

3. The campaign to get us into an awesome 24/7 space continues: Have you become a Verve Venture Capitalist? These are people who saying, “I so believe in what you guys are doing, and what God is going to do on the Vegas Strip through you, that I want to actually be a part of it!” And the way to become a part is by giving $100. We’re looking for 500 people to give $100, so we can have the money we need to build out the space and make it what we need. Will you be 1 of the 500? Will you (please) become a Verve Venture Capitalist?

4. The good news is that we’ve already raised about $18,500 in about a month! The challenging news is that we only have two months left to go, and we still need about 320 more people to become Verve Venture Capitalists. That means we need you! And your friends! And their friends! So please let people know about what we’re doing. Facebook or Twitter it, or buy a billboard…

5. Still doing all the due diligence for the property. We’re also looking at another space – basically right next to the one we’ve been focused on – as a backup if, for any reason, this one doesn’t work out.

5. We’re looking for a Children’s Ministry Pastor, and we are interviewing a great candidate who has totally impressed us and comes incredibly highly recommended.

6. I’ve been working on a Bible Reading/Prayer journal for Verve’s people. (You know, once we have people…)

7. I’ve been working on our Outreach and Come Back events plan/calendar for now through March.

8. I’ve been working on the “system” for the “God Stalker University” we’re planning on having.

9. We have an intern who is going to come in May for six months, focusing especially in Creative Arts and on video, sound, and lights. Everyone on staff for these first few years has to raise their own salary, and this guy had no problem with that. Impressive!

10. We have two guys who want to come and do two year Church Planting internships. They are both awesome guys and not only would we prepare them to start great churches, but they would also be a huge help to us. They’re both working on fundraising. If you’d like to help either of them, that would be an awesome investment. Let me know and I’ll connect you.

11. We spent the week putting about 3,000 fliers on homes, to invite people to Block Parties. And I will tell you that I did 3 or 4 hours of walking, and that half of them were just after my car accident. (I am legend.)

12. We spent the week getting ready for the Block Parties. And I will tell you that I had virtually nothing to do with it. We have an awesome team (led by Shaula Overholt) who is doing all the planning and work, and I SO appreciate them!


1. Please pray that people who came to the Block Parties will be thinking about them and checking out the Verve web site and wanting to learn more about the church.

2. We are meeting with the General Manager of a Hotel & Casino this week, and we’re hoping there might be some potential to serve the employees there.

3. Please continue praying for the whole leasing the building deal – we need lots of details to work out, and some more money to come together.