We’re Moving

For awhile now we’ve been wanting to change the location for our Launch Team meetings. They’ve been at my house, which we haven’t liked because (1) it’s not as close to the Strip as we want to be, and (2) my living room seems to keep shrinking, or maybe it’s that we keep adding people, and (3) for someone who is not a Christian, coming to a person’s living room to talk about Jesus and look at the Bible is WEIRD. So we’ve wanted a more neutral location, but haven’t been able to find one.

Then I got an e-mail … one of my good friends in ministry had a friend of his who just moved to Vegas. He’s the new General Manager of a hotel just off the Strip. I should go meet him.

So on Monday I did, and this guy is great, and a total God-send. He was willing to help us in any way he could. “Do you need special rates for people coming into town?” (Yes.) “Are you having any meetings that you need a room for?” (Yes.)

So … starting this Sunday we are switching our meetings out of a house (yes!!) and into a hotel. They have a little theater with about 125 seats that we’ll be using. (They also have a very cool theater with about 500 seats, where the Rat Pack and other famous Vegas entertainers used to perform.)

The cool thing is watching how God provides, and provides, and provides…