Abide & Abound
You know how a lot of times Christians will say things like, “I just want to know God’s will for my life” or not-yet-Christians will say, “What’s the purpose of life?” I think a great answer is: Read John 15.
In today’s reading Jesus says the purpose of life, God’s will for your life, is to abide and abound. That’s it. You were made to abide: To live inside of Jesus. And you were made to abound: To live the Jesus life.
If you are not abiding – living in a vital, intimate, dependent, trusting, passionate relationship with Jesus, and if you are not abounding – serving, and sacrificing, and speaking the truth, and loving, and touching the sick, and helping the needy, and having a real impact doing it – then you are missing out on God’s will for, on the purpose of, your life.