
Interesting to me that in both psalms in today’s reading (Psalm 135 & 136) we are commanded to praise and give thanks to God. It’d be nice if it always came naturally. It’d be nice if we didn’t need to be told. It’d be nice if we didn’t need set times each day to spend with God, and a time set aside each week to come together with others to praise and give thanks to God, but … we do. We need to be reminded, and commanded. And we need to obey.

Also interesting that those who minister in the house of the Lord are called out and specifically commanded to praise God. I wonder if that’s because there are more obstacles for pastor types to praise God? I know it’s very easy on Sundays mornings to get consumed with the tasks instead of getting consumed with worship. I’ve had to “force” a few people on my staff to figure out how they could get away from their tasks so they could focus on and worship God each Sunday.

What about you? Especially those of you are “professional Christians”? Is it tough for you? And are you obeying this command?