How Transformation Happens
I think what we all really want is to be changed, and to change the world. We know there are things not right about us, and we need some transformation, and it’s obvious our world is in a bit of a mess and requires transformation. We want to be changed, and to change the world, but how? I think the answer is found in today’s reading (John 13).
In verse 23, John (the author) refers to “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” The surprise is that John is that disciple. He’s referring to himself. And I believe this is key to personal transformation. Knowing that you are loved perfectly by Jesus. Embracing His love and applying it to every aspect of your life. (By the way, this is the theme of my first book.)
In verses 34-35, Jesus tells us to love one another and to be known for love. We take in the love He gives us and let it flow through us to others. I believe this is the key to world transformation. Not judging and pointing out sins, but loving and pointing people to Jesus. Ambushing people with His grace. (By the way, this is the theme of my second book.)