The Week In Brief(s) (11/8/09)

Every Sunday I’m sharing a recap on some of what happened that week. It will be quick (in brief) and I’ll write in my underwear (in briefs). Here ya go:

1. I spent last weekend in Savannah, and had a great time at the Savannah Christian Church.

2. I missed our Sunday morning Launch Team meeting, but was at the Monday night version. Robb did our teaching, on John 5, and did a great job. We had 21 adults on Monday night and it had a great feel. We started out by playing “To Tell The Truth,” where two people are telling the truth and one is lying and you have to guess, and not one person voted for the guy who was telling the truth. Not sure what that says about our group. Not much discernment I guess…

3. We have two mission teams coming in this week, arriving on Wednesday and Friday!

4. We spent some of this week planning out their time with us. We’ve got a little fun time planned for them, but lots of work. They are going to be a HUGE help to us as they put fliers on doors inviting people to our Block Parties, help us put on the Block Parties, and more.

5. We also have one out of the box, very interesting experience planned for them. They’re gonna be Guerrilla Lovers!

6. Speaking of Guerrilla Lovers, I’m getting excited about my new book coming out in February, and even more about the movement we’re going to create around it. Wait till you hear about it. It’s coming soon! It’s gonna be fun, and I honestly think what Christians need is to become guerrilla lovers, and what the world needs is a guerrilla lover revolution.

7. The Block Parties have been such a success we’ve decided we’re just gonna keep doing them. We’ll be the Block Party church of Las Vegas. And, check this out: The new, nice, outdoor mall in Vegas has given us permission to throw a Block Party in the middle of their outdoor mall in the Spring!

8. With all the Block Parties in the future, and knowing that the one in the mall should be huge, this week we bought … a cotton candy machine. NOW we are an official church!

9. Working towards having a Finance/Stewardship system/policies, and iTunes podcasts, and a Vimeo page.


1. Please pray for the door hangers we’ll be putting out and for the Block Parties we’re inviting people to. Pray they go great and people feel loved and served by us.

2. Please pray that the Mission Teams coming in have an awesome time, are really flexible, have great unity, and do great for us.

3. Please pray that we get even more Mission Teams to commit to coming and helping us.