Kingdom Bringers
Every day when I see the stories headlining the news I look forward to the day described in today’s reading (Revelation 11) when the kingdom of this world becomes the “Kingdom of the Lord,” and Jesus begins to reign.
I think all of us, whether we realize it or not, long for that. But the cool thing is that we don’t have to sit idly by wishing. Jesus has given us the power (and responsibility) to be Kingdom Bringers. That’s why in His model prayer, Jesus encourages us to say, “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Through our prayers, through the way we live our lives, through what we share with others, we get to be a part of bringing His Kingdom to earth, here and now, and that is a beautiful thing. And that’s a purpose worth getting up for, and living for throughout the day.