Mommy, I Want to Play the Resounding Cymbals!
Psalm 150 is the last chapter in the 2009 Bible reading some of us have been doing together, and it’s a great way to end our reading, and the year.
Reading it, my first thought was that I am shocked that I have not yet heard this commercial, “New, for your Wii, PS2 or XBox Game System it’s … Praise Hero! Praise Hero comes complete with a trumpet, harp, lyre, and tambourine, with strings, and flute, with cymbals and yes, even resounding cymbals. You and your family can live out Psalm 150 in your very own living room! You supply the breath, we supply the rest!” And then maybe the quick, lower volume, warning: “Verse 4 of Psalm 150 suggests dancing, but certain denominations require we warn you that dancing may be dangerous to your health and, perhaps, even salvation. See the movie Footloose for further details.”
My second thought was that I have a lot to praise God for in 2009. And one of the things I have to praise God for is all of you and the massive amount of support you’ve shown me, and praying you’ve done for our church plant. Thank you.