Planning Next Year?

Every year pastors will plan out what message series they’re going to do the following year. It’s fun, but also stressful. And I’ve found that it’s nice to get a little help. Realizing that, I decided to do something about it. So when my first book came out two years ago, I put together a message series/campaign for churches to do with it, not knowing if anyone would use it.

They did. To my surprise, a ton of churches used it, and it was amazing to hear their feedback. I got tons of e-mails thanking me and telling me it was one of the best and most life-changing series their churches had ever experienced. And I realized I had to do it again.

So … in conjunction with the release of my second book, Guerrilla Lovers: Changing the World with Revolutionary Compassion, we are providing a message series/church campaign that I think is pretty amazing. Interested? Right now we’re sending out a free pre-release promotional pack to the first 100 people who request it. And you can do so here.