The Week In Brief(s) (12/13/09)
Every Sunday I’m sharing a recap on some of what happened that week. It will be quick (in brief) and I’ll write in my underwear (in briefs). Here ya go:
1. This week has continued the craziness with the warehouse space we’re hoping to lease. So we got the city planning commission to give us the zoning we needed. And it looks like we’ll have the money. The issue started becoming the timing…
2. The question was whether we could get approval from the building commission and start the construction in time to get it complete for our planning February 21st Grand Opening. But then we found out…
3. That we could get started on some elements of the construction even before we got the sign-off from the building commission. So, at this point, it’s looking like we’re going to be able to keep our February 21 date!
4. Before we knew if we could keep our February 21 date, we were doing all kinds of stuff to create alternate plans for when we would launch, what we needed to do with Mission Teams that are coming in for Feb 21, and more. It was getting a bit crazy for a few days.
5. Spent a lot of time working on our advertising campaign. We’re going to focus on door hangers, radio ads, and invite cards and I wrote all of them and had our awesome graphic designer start working on the design.
6. Reading I Once Was Lost.
8. Worked on a sermon series.
9. Really ran the numbers on exactly how many volunteers its going to take per service. Scary stuff.
10. Excited about the Guerrilla Lover campaign we’re getting ready to launch, that it will help pastors and churches, and that it’s absolutely free. If you’re a pastor and you’re interested, check out the post.
1. We are in the last two weeks of our Verve Venture Capitalist campaign, and Shepherd of the Hills church is matching all the donations made this month!! Please pray that we’re able to hit our goal of raising $50,000 towards the build out we need to do on our warehouse space. If you want to give, you can do so here.
2. We need more people on our Launch Team to provide the foundation of leaders and volunteers we’ll need so we can minister effectively to the people God sends us when we launch in February. Please pray that we get some more people soon.
3. I’m speaking at Central Christian Church in Henderson this upcoming weekend. They have been very supportive of us. Please pray that God will bless them through my message.