Thoughts From My Time At Central
I had a great time speaking at Central this weekend. It’s cool to get to speak in Las Vegas. Other than a conference I spoke at here years ago, this was only my third opportunity. Makes it feel a little more real that this all is really going to happen.
Hands down the easiest sound check I’ve ever done.
Speaking the same message, five times, in 32 hours is a lot. I respect guys who do that every week. Last year I spoke at a pastor’s conference in Poland and did five or more sessions a day, but they weren’t the same thing. Doing the same message over and over starts to make you a bit dizzy. (That may be a little extra true for me because I don’t use notes.)
I’ve experienced it a couple times this year, but still can’t get used to having a security guard following me around.
Had a ton of good conversations with great people after the services. A few in tears and ready to start a relationship with God, lots of hugs and people offering to pray for us, and many wanting to know how else they could help. So cool.
Very grateful for Jud giving me the chance to speak there, and for all of Central’s support.