Fav Movies By Decade

With the decade about to end, I started thinking about some of my favorites, by decade. I was too little in the 70’s to care, but I thought this week I’d share a few of my favs by decade. These are who I would have said my favorites were from that decade if you had asked me at the end of each decade. So….

Fav Movies of 80’s

  1. Hoosiers
  2. This is Spinal Tap
  3. The Jerk (yeah, it was 1979, but close enough)
  4. Hon. Mention: Airplane!, A Fish Called Wanda, Say Anything

Fav Movies of 90’s

  1. Jerry Maguire
  2. Silence of the Lambs
  3. There’s Something About Mary
  4. Hon. Mention: Fight Club, Good Will Hunting, Happy Gilmore, Scream, Braveheart

Fav Movies of 00’s

  1. Almost Famous
  2. Moulin Rouge
  3. Garden State
  4. Hon. Mention: There Will Be Blood, The Royal Tennenbaums, Memento

What were some of your favorites for those decades??