Fav T.V. Shows By Decade

With the decade about to end, I started thinking about some of my favorites, by decade. I was too little in the 70’s to care, but I thought this week I’d share a few of my favs by decade. These are who I would have said my favorites were from that decade if you had asked me at the end of each decade. So….

Fav T.V. Shows of 80’s

  1. The Simpsons
  2. Night Court
  3. Family Ties
  4. Hon. Mention: Miami Vice, Moonlighting, Bosom Buddies, Coach

Fav T.V. Shows of 90’s

  1. Twin Peaks
  2. Seinfeld
  3. Beevis and Butthead
  4. Hon. Mention: News Radio, In Living Color, Dave’s World

Fav T.V. Shows of 00’s

  1. The Sopranos
  2. Project Greenlight
  3. 30 Rock/The Office [Wow, a tie!]
  4. Hon. Mention: Top Chef, Scrubs, Anatomy of a Scene, Survivor, Arrested Development

What were some of your favorite TV shows of those decades?