The Week In Brief(s) (1/3/10)

Every Sunday I’m sharing a recap on some of what happened that week. It will be quick (in brief) and I’ll write in my underwear (in briefs). Here ya go:

1. We took the week off for our Launch Team meetings last week. I believe that will be the last time Verve doesn’t meet on a weekend, until the dies or is killed or Jesus returns or a nuke takes out Las Vegas or …

2. We had a family from Virginia Beach move to Vegas, and in with us. Chuck Cason was on staff at Forefront, and is raising his support to be on staff at Verve. Gonna be a HUGE help to us! Want to help him, and us, by supporting him financially?

3. Met with several people this week from my speaking at Central. Advertising execs, guys just trying to figure the whole God thing out…

4. We have a few people from Central who are interested in joining our Launch Team. I’m having each of them fill out an application and come to a meeting where I will try to clearly lay out our vision and distinctives, and all the good reasons not to join us. It’s the whole “It’s better to get divorced before you get married” idea.

5. Wrote and designed a Door Hanger and Flier that we’re going to use to try to create some buzz about Verve on the Strip and in the neighborhoods surrounding our warehouse space. We have three Mission Teams coming in January/February and they’re going to help us get this out there.

6. Also working on the Door Hanger & Invite Cards (and maybe Billboard) that we’re going to use in March and April to announce and invite people to the launch of Verve. It’s looking really sweet!

7. We’re also re-doing the flier that we gave out back in October where the guy is normally doing the “Who Will Jesus Destroy” thing. We’re re-designing it to make it more obvious what we’re saying, as we learned that people will give you about one second and then they stop listening/reading and start assuming.

8. Making some big decisions about how/when/with what we’re going to launch.

9. Had a New Years Day party for our Launch Team and any friends they wanted to bring.

10. This week at our Launch Team Meetings we’re talking about daring to be great, and the risks we need to be willing to take to get there. We’re also “learning” our first worship song.


1. This week we should be having all the bids come in on the construction (putting up a couple walls, installing bathrooms, etc.) for our warehouse space. PLEASE pray that the bids come in LOW.

2. Please pray for the new people who want to join our Launch Team, that God will speak to them and make it clear whether it’s His will, and that if they join they will really believe in and support our vision.