The Week In Brief(s) (1/31/10)
Every Sunday I’m sharing a recap on some of what happened that week. It will be quick (in brief) and I’ll write in my underwear (in briefs). Here ya go:
1. I’m struggling to find the time (or energy) to do a good job with the updates this week, so I’m just gonna do a short quick version…
2. Talked about compassion versus condemnation and God’s unconditional love, which is the greatest healing force in the universe, at our Launch Team Meetings last week.
3. This week we’re talking about the Marks of Greatness. What makes a person great in God’s eyes? And what will we consider great at Verve?
4. Had a group of great pastors in town to hang out together, share ideas, encourage each other, etc. Good times.
5. Started construction on our space this week!!
6. Still tons to do and racing the clock to get all our permits and the build-out done in time.
7. Working on all the equipment we’ll need to purchase… and business cards and brochures and door hangers.
8. We launched Verve Facebook and Twitter pages this week.
9. Lots of meetings, including with a local pastor, a Vice President of one of the big casinos, and more. The meeting with the VP was maybe the best meeting we’ve had in Vegas, and tons of potential because of it.
10. Starting to plan out our creative elements for our first weeks. And our band practiced together for the first time!
1. PLEASE keep praying that the permit process with the city, and the construction, all flies along FAST.
2. Please pray that God enables us, supernaturally, to save money in construction and with things we have to purchase – or that He provides more financial support for us. Things are tight!
3. We are “assigning” volunteer positions to our people and about to start doing some training. Please pray that the whole process goes great.