The Week In Brief(s) (2/21/10)

Every Sunday I’m sharing a recap on some of what happened that week. It will be quick (in brief) and I’ll write in my underwear (in briefs). Here ya go:

1. Last week we had two awesome Mission Teams helping us. They were great, and a great help.

2. Last Sunday we had our first two baptisms. Totally cool stories, and so much fun to see God at work in people’s lives and to know there is so much more to come.

3. Ordered the door hangers and fliers we’re going to be using in March to promote our launch. We ordered 120,000 door hangers. Whoa.

4. At our staff meeting on Tuesday we went through my task list of 52 things we need to get done before launch. And many of those 52 items had like 4 to 8 sub-tasks for them. It is a CRAZY huge list of things, and it doesn’t include everything.

5. Met with a church planter from Pennsylvania on Tuesday. He’s got a cool vision, it will be great to see it become rality.

6. Working on “Verge” – which is what we’re calling our 7 week class for people who are not yet Christians or new Christians. Gonna talk through who God, Jesus, and the Holy Spiriit are; some apologetics; the gospel; how to respond to the gospel; a Christian’s new identity in Christ; and spiritual disciplines. I love putting this together.

7. We are going to have something we’ll call “Verve University” which will have five or six semesters (of seven weeks each) per year. We’ll offer a couple of classes each time, including Verge.

8. We’re starting to get e-mails and phone calls from people who are hearing about us and are planning on coming to our first service.

9. We finally got the last permit we needed from the county for the construction we’re doing on our warehouse space.

10. Now we are in full gear with the construction. It’s a race to the finish, and it’s looking like we’re going to finish on time, which is a minor miracle.

11. On Friday night we had the “Launch Party” for the Verve Foundation! The party went great. The lead singer for one of the bands got food poisoning, forcing some quick improvising, but it all seemed to work out. We’re starting a food co-op in March… Exciting times!

12. I think our church plant is being featured this weekend at Kensington Community Church. That’s a real honor!


1. Please pray that our construction flies and that we get done ahead of schedule.

2. There’s all kinds of places where we need to spend money, and where we’re hoping that we can save money in a lot of those places. Please pray that we get discounts and things donated.

3. We are three weeks from launch (!!!) and have already done stuff to create buzz in the community, and have tons of inviting and doorhangering and fliering to go. Please pray that it all hits the right people at the right time…