Visit, But Not Then
Wanted to ask some of you a favor. We’ve had a lot of people, many local here in Vegas, who have said, “We want to come to your service, to root you guys on!” type of things. And we really appreciate everyone’s support, and would love to have you join us for one our services.
However, if you’re just coming to show your support would you do us a favor and wait a couple weeks? Typically the first couple weeks are extra crowded, plus we’re going to have Mission Teams in town, so we might be extra crowded. Plus our space is somewhat limited.
So, how about this? Our first week is March 14th, our fourth week is Easter – April 4th. If you’re a local person who is gonna come out to show your support and wish us well, could you please do that on a Sunday morning or Monday night starting April 11/12th? So we can have all the seats available our first four weeks for people who are new to Jesus and thinking about making Verve their church home.
Hope you understand, and thank you!