The Wall

In the late 70’s, Pink Floyd let us know that, “All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.” In 1987, Ronald Reagan stood in Berlin and told Mikhail Gorbachev, “Tear down this wall.” In 2010, Vince Antonucci asked the world, “Will you help us build a wall?”

Here’s the deal: We took a warehouse space and made it into a great facility for us to do church. We have one problem. We have a room where we’re having our kindergarten through 5th grade class and, due to a lack of funds, put up a big curtain rather than close it in with a wall. It isn’t working so well. When our band is playing in the adult room, the kids can totally hear them and can’t hear their teacher. When the kids shout answers, we can hear them in the adult room.

We are realizing we really need to put up a wall. The cool thing is that we’ll be able to use the huge curtain for several other applications that will help us. The bad thing is that the wall will cost us about $6,000. (Gulp.) So … is there anyone out there who would like to help us build a wall? If you’d like to make a contribution, you can let me know by e-mailing me at