Exciting Times at Verve!
Hey Verve-rs,
To the uninitiated, a rocket launch is … well, a rocket launch. But there are actually several phases involved in launching a rocket. The same is true with a new church. In March we had our “Grand Opening Month” and some might say, “Okay, the church is launched.” But the reality is that there are phases to a church launching. We had a pre-Grand Opening phase, when we were meeting at my house and then at the Greek Isles hotel. And now that we’ve gone through the Grand Opening phase, we’re ready to make this Fall the biggest push of Verve’s launching. In fact, most new churches open in the Fall because it’s the best time to start. But we started in the Spring so we could build momentum going into the Fall.
So … this Fall we plan to make a big push, with lots of inviting, and some advertising, and a new phase of serving our community as we start Verve Groups. And you (yes you) are now a part of the core of this church, who will be working together to further launch us towards truly becoming a church that loves God, loves people, and turns the world upside down. (And, by the way, that’s exciting!) We want to help you be ready to do your part in this, and we realized we have a unique opportunity to do so.
Summer is rolling in, and during summer there are vacations and days at the lake and so attendance at churches is typically down a bit. Because of that we realized we’d probably be able to fit everyone in one Sunday service and one Monday service. In the Spring we would have had too many people, and this Fall we’ll have too many, but over summer, it can work.
And so we’ve decided to not have the 11:35 Sunday service from May 30 to August 15. We will bring it back on August 22. Until then we want to encourage everyone to attend the 10:05 Sunday service, or the 7:05 Monday service.
The reason we are doing this is to take the 11:35 time slot this summer to really equip you to do your part for the big push in August/September. There will be two primary components to this.
- First, the month of June is going to be Community Building Month. We will have a (60 to 90 minute) event every Sunday at 11:35 that will help you to get to know others from Verve. The reality is that you don’t need to know everyone, but we do want everyone to know someone. Some of the events will be service oriented, while others will be just plain fun and goofy.
- Then, starting July 11, we will offer two Verve University courses: Verge and Verb at 11:35. Verge will help you to understand God and how to start and grow in a relationship with Him. Verb will help you to make your faith active, you’ll learn how to understand yourself and to start serving and leading in way that fits you. We’re hoping a ton of you will take advantage of this convenient time for these Verve U courses.
So … let’s get ready for a really important summer at Verve, and a really exciting push this Fall. It’s going to be an adventure, and I’m glad you’re a part of it!