Heads Up For Church Planters

More to come on this but … if you are a current or (especially) future church planter: We are planning on having a Church Planter Roundtable/Bootcamp kinda thing this Fall, here in Vegas. September or October. Probably Monday through Wednesday.

And this isn’t gonna be a “Here’s the 10 Steps to Start a Church” – this is going to be a “How to Start a Church That Actually Does What Jesus Wants It To Do, No Simple Easy Steps, No Cookie-Cutter Model to Follow, No ‘Let’s Create the Coolest Church in Town So All the Christians From Other Churches Flock To It,’ Let’s Get Serious and Down and Dirty and Really Talk About How To Do This.” (Wow, we may want to shorten the name of this thing.)

If you’re interested you can let me know (vince@vivalaverve.org) but we’re working out the final details and I’ll be sharing it all with you in the next few weeks.