Verve Happs
This was the first weekend of Verve I missed. I hated being gone, but I have to miss a few weekends this year to be out on the road, connecting with the churches that are supporting us financially. Unfortunately, this is just a reality of our situation. What we’re doing and want to do in Las Vegas isn’t cheap, and the people of Verve aren’t paying for it. (One of our services actually had an offering of … $7. Total! That is not a typo. It is kind of funny, except it means that without outside financial support, we would have to immediately shut down.) This is one of the realities of being church for people who don’t like church. People who don’t like church don’t show up and start giving. (And I don’t blame them.)
So I was gone, speaking at Real Life Church in Los Angeles, but things went great at Verve. God has given us a phenomenal teacher in Robb, and we did things a little different with me not being there, and instead of it being a sub-par service because I wasn’t there, I think it was probably better.